Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Stefano Colombo Author-X-Name-First: Stefano Author-X-Name-Last: Colombo Author-Email: stefano.colombo@unicatt.it Author-Workplace-Name: DISCE, Università Cattolica Author-Name: Luigi Filippini Author-X-Name-First: Luigi Author-X-Name-Last: Filippini Author-Email: luigi.filippini@unicatt.it Author-Workplace-Name: DISCE, Università Cattolica Title: Product innovation and logistic optimization in a novel urban-type model Abstract: We consider the strategic choice between product innovation and logistic optimization in a novel urban framework where consumers are distributed across the city and have different incomes depending on their location in the town. Depending on the relative efficiency of the product innovation process and the logistic innovation process as well as on the degree of spatial symmetry between the firms, both symmetric and asymmetric business strategy equilibria may arise, as well as both unique and multiple business strategy equilibria. Length: 68 pages Creation-Date: 2012-01 Publication-Status: none File-URL: http://istituti.unicatt.it/teoria_economica_metodi_quantitativi_itemq1259.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf File-Function: First version, 2012 Number: itemq1259 Classification-JEL: L13; R12; R41 Keywords: Product innovation; logistic optimization; linear town Handle: RePEc:ctc:serie6:itemq1259