Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Elena Cottini Author-X-Name-First: Elena Author-X-Name-Last: Cottini Author-Email: elena.cottini@unicatt.it Author-Name: Claudio Lucifora Author-X-Name-First: Claudio Author-X-Name-Last: Lucifora Author-Email: claudio.lucifora@unicatt.it Author-Workplace-Name: DISCE, Università Cattolica Title: Health at Work and Low-pay:a European Perspective Abstract: This study investigates the relationship between health, working conditions and pay in Europe. In particular, we measure health at work using self-assessed indicators for overall, as well as physical and mental health, using the 2005 wave of the EWCS (European Working Conditions Survey) for 15 EU countries. We find that, controlling for personal characteristics, (adverse) working conditions are associated with poor health status – both physical and mental. Low pay plays a role, mainly for men and when interacted with working conditions, suggesting that stigma and deprivation effects may be correlated with health at work. We also account for the potential endogeneity arising from workers sorting by firms and job types with different working conditions, and provide evidence of a causal effect of (adverse) working conditions and (low) pay on health at the workplace. Length: 25 pages Creation-Date: 2009-12 File-URL: http://www.unicatt.it/Istituti/EconomiaImpresaLavoro/Quaderni/ieil0056.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf File-Function: First version, 2009 Number: ieil0056 Classification-JEL: I100, J41, J81 Keywords: working conditions, physical and mental health, low-pay employment Handle: RePEc:ctc:serie4:ieil0056