Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Chiara Mussida Author-X-Name-First: Chiara Author-X-Name-Last: Mussida Author-Email: chiara.mussida@unicatt.it Author-Workplace-Name: DISCE, Università Cattolica Author-Name: Maria Laura Parisi Author-X-Name-First: Maria laura Author-X-Name-Last: Parisi Author-Email: marialaura.parisi@unibs.it Author-Workplace-Name: Dipartimento di Economia e Management, Università degli Studi di Brescia. Title: Households at risk of severe material deprivation: the cases of Italy and Spain Abstract: This paper documents how the phenomenon of severe material deprivation spread out in Italy and Spain in the recent past. These two European countries have experienced an increasing risk of poverty since the economic crisis, when more than 20% of households fell under the poverty line. Moreover, a considerable share of these households are also materially deprived. Stylized facts suggest that, despite pertaining to the same area, even before the onset of the Great Recession, they look different in relative terms, since they show heterogeneous severe material deprivation rates, below and above the EU average. The percentage for Spain is below the average, while the share for Italy is above the average and almost double that for Spain. The analysis reveals which households characteristics are associated to the risk of being severely materially deprived and whether the risk differs across Spain and Italy. Length: 50 pages Creation-Date: 2019-07 Publication-Status: Published in Review of Economics, Month aaaa, pages nn1-nn2 File-URL: http://www.unicatt.it/dipartimenti/DISES/allegati/dises-dises-wp_19_142.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf File-Function: First version, 2019 Number: dises142 Classification-JEL: I32, I38, J12, J14 Keywords: severe material deprivation, households, Italy, Spain Handle: RePEc:ctc:serie2:dises142