Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Nicolò Pecora Author-X-Name-First: Nicolò Author-X-Name-Last: Pecora Author-Name: Alessandro Spelta Author-X-Name-First: Alessandro Author-X-Name-Last: Spelta Author-Email: alessandro.spelta@unicatt.it Author-Workplace-Name: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Author-Workplace-Name: Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Title: Discovering SIFIs in interbank communities Abstract: This paper proposes a new methodology based on non-negative matrix factor- ization to detect communities and to identify Systemically Important Financial In- stitutions in the interbank network as well as within communities. The method is speci…cally designed for directed weighted networks and it is able to take into account exposures on both sides of banks’balance sheets, distinguishing between Systemically Important Borrowers and Lenders. Using interbank transactions data from the e-Mid platform, we show that the systemic importance associated with Italian banks decreased during the 2007-2009 …nancial crisis while the opposite happened for foreign institutions. We also show that, as the transactions volume grew, the number of communities rose as well. The contrary happened during the crisis phase. Moreover results indicate that, during …nancial crisis, banks strongly operate into non overlapping communities with few institutions playing the role of SIFIs. On the contrary during business as usual times banks act in several and overlapping modules. Length: 22 Creation-Date: 2016-02 File-URL: http://dipartimenti.unicatt.it/economia-finanza-def037.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf File-Function: First version, 2016 Number: def037 Classification-JEL: D8, L14, C02. Keywords: Financial networks, community detection, systemic risk. Handle: RePEc:ctc:serie1:def037